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The Cultural EQ Difference


In a diverse and hybrid world, a single approach to developing soft ('human') skills may be inclusive, however, it likely falls short of meeting the ever-changing communication needs of today's teams and leaders.

Rather, an integrated strategy is necessary that leverages multiple perspectives including:

✨ Cultural

✨ Emotional

🌟 Physical

✨ Leadership

✨ Spiritual

This is where developing Cultural EQ comes in - the intersection of Cultural and Emotional Intelligence. Being actively aware of and engaging with both are such important predictors of success in the workplace!

🌏 In my work over a decade in bridging the communication styles of the East and the West through CulturalEQ coaching and training, I've experienced again and again how important it is to address all the above needs together (although not necessarily at the same time 😊) for success on both a personal and organization level - across cultures - to happen.

❗ What exactly is the Cultural EQ Difference, and why is it so essential for the future of - all our - work? For more info, watch the video.

Contact me here to set up a Discovery Call on how you can develop your own CulturalEQ for today's VUCA world.

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