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Meeting Michelle


It's great to meet friends online and then in person!

I love the authentic connections that come about by putting ourselves out there, sharing what work we're passionate about as well as working towards.

Out of one of those connections, I recently had the pleasure to meet Michelle and enjoy Taipei's 'autumn tiger' weather together.

Michelle Liao had previously contacted me on LinkedIn saying she was visiting Taipei from Berlin and could we meet to chat, as we seemed to have a lot in common.

Over our afternoon walk together (in the park pictured in the image) we learned:

🌟 We share the same name (🤣)

✨ She's from Taiwan, I live here

💫 She studied in NYC, I'm from there

⭐ Her first language is my second, and vice versa

🌟 We're passionate about coaching and intercultural communication

💫 We share the view re: the importance of incorporating Emotional Intelligence training & development at the leadership level in the APAC region

✨ We're both excited about furthering East-West exchange and our own roles in the global journey

It was fantastic chatting with Michelle about intercultural, professional and personal topics.

I'm excited to hear how Michelle's journey as a scrum master develops and look forward to seeing where both the Michelles have 'grown' to next time they meet!

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